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- From: Jim Rogers <jfr@fc.hp.com>
- Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.alien.research,alt.paranet.ufo,sci.skeptic,alt.alien.visitors,alt.conspiracy.area51
- Subject: Re: Faces on Mars
- Date: Tue, 25 Jun 1996 16:34:20 -0600
- Organization: Archaeological (lower strata contain older files)
- Lines: 47
- Message-ID: <31D0696C.5325@fc.hp.com>
- References: <31BEEFFD.288D@fc.hp.com> <DsxI83.Bsn@aston.ac.uk> <maury-1906961727220001@news.iol.ie> <31C83831.6B64@cydonia.org> <31C882BA.5968@fc.hp.com> <31C8C901.1521@cydonia.org> <31CB0F27.5B82@fc.hp.com> <31CB3CB8.2EC5@cydonia.org> <maury-2406961207460001@news.iol.ie> <31CEEA39.1F1E@students.wisc.edu> <maury-2506961036200001@> <31D0023D.6994@students.wisc.edu> <maury-2506961625430001@> <31D02486.4BDF@students.wisc.edu> <4qpd8g$lac@cwis-20.wayne.edu>
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.conspiracy:122494 alt.alien.research:26805 alt.paranet.ufo:54536 sci.skeptic:74356 alt.alien.visitors:89662 alt.conspiracy.area51:11613
- Michael Edelman wrote:
- > Brian Zeiler (bdzeiler@students.wisc.edu) wrote:
- >
- > : Yes, and you are deserving of ridicule and derision for ridiculing the
- > : Face on Mars without reading the peer-reviewed works of Carlotto that
- > : were published in the Journal of Applied Optics.
- >
- > I did a quick net search and found Carlotto's article. Guess what? It's
- > simply a series of expoeriments in digital processing to reveal the
- > full shape of the objects under different views and lighting conditions.
- > The alternative views resemble a humanoid face less than does the
- > oft-published original frame. Carlotto cleaned up the noise, which makes
- > the "nose" disappear.
- But also, remarkably, caused "teeth" to emerge from the noise. At the noise
- level of resolution, that is!
- > The various views reveal something most un-face-like. The "eyes" are
- > skewed, the head shape is quite irregular, and the "mouth" appears to
- > be a cleft between two hills.
- I've pointed out this gross asymmetry of the eyes and head shape several times,
- to be answered only by a deafening silence. The "must-believers" simply won't
- look at it with a critical eye. I guess the obvious asymmetries are the result
- of erosion, but the overall shape is the result of design, right?
- Did you also happen to notice the rather high protruding chin? And that, when
- viewing 3-D reconstructions, it's really a low-relief shape? Why would anyone
- bother to build a monument that can't be appreciated from ground level?
- > Other shots in the same area- the supposed "fortress" and "pyramid" are also
- > shown. Both are interesting formations, but similarly regular landforms
- > are seen on earth and elsewhere.
- And with several faceted hills in the Cydonia region, the "face" is only one
- more among many; it just happened to erode funny.
- > Carlotto's main contention is that the face is not merely a trick of
- > light and shadow, as NASA says, but rather a real face formation.
- > Again, so what? We have a landform that can be interpreted as two
- > eyes and a mouth. And Michigan is evidence that giant, mitten-wearing`
- > aliens once land-formed the Midwest.
- Exactly. So the hill really does have a somewhat face-like shape. But
- "somewhat" is really a pretty poor representation, on closer inspection.
- Jim